School me on supercharging a 360

I am thinking somewhere in the 500 to 600 HP range. I can see I am really going to have to research this whole setup. I was doing some reading on a couple of the supercharger sites and a couple of tech sites and the popular belief seems to be that you can start with a stock block. If that is the case I might start with a 5.9 Magnum block. That way I already have a roller cam setup and I would want to use an electric fuel pump anyway.


Research is your best bet, because none of us know what you want as well as you do. With a 5.9l magnum motor 500-600 can be had with a very mild build. It should take about 13psi on the stock rotating assembly with a good tune. I'm bias, but if you're going to an electric fuel pump and a magnum engine anyways I would say go full FI. If its something you elect to do it's very affordable if you use a factor harness and OBD2 comp. The OBD2 computers are readily tunable and have a pretty large following with the dakota/durango crowd. So alot of the ground work is already laid out for you with plenty of help.

I don't mean to hijack, if you have any ?'s about the FI or boost that i can help with PM me any time.