1988 Dodge Dakota Mopar Express

sobiecam, I am quite impressed with you! You are a very articulate young man. As a member of this website, owning an a-body is not required; a love for them is! Members restos can be anything Mopar. I am happy to hear you have an a-body as well, but really happy that you are on here sharing and learning! Plenty of the guys on here also have stock and modified Dakotas. The only new car I have ever owned was a 1996 Dakota and was probably the best vehicle I have ever owned. Guys, cut him some slack about this post not being an a body. When he gets to working on the dart, he and you'll be glad he is a part of Fabo! I am glad he is! I'll look for you there at the Nats. I will be in a silver ______ well it'll be a surprise! Watch for my posts to see!

p.s. what is that bad looking car under that cover????