I read a couple of those independant oil filter postings. I like the fact they are not done by anybody "official". What I do see, is things like materials and construction differences by cutting them apart, indeed just by holding them. A good filter will be heavier. I was raised on Fram (my Dad). I stopped using them when I got a job with Car Quest in the early 90s. Since then, I've run Wix of one sort or another, unless I'm breaking in a cam or starting a domant engine..I take them off wiithin minutes of running and they get tossed. On aside note, a mentor/friend of mine ran Stock Eliminator (had at one point 5 national records for NHRA) with a hydraulic cam 351 Cleveland. Because of rules (and the grey areas they leave) he ran 130-140psi oil pressure. The only filters that wouldnt explode (meaning pop the can between the end cap and can) were factory Motocraft. I have no idea who makes them...But they wouldnt pop. All others he said he tried popped. He didnt list the names.