Newbie from southern Colorado

Well I will start by saying hi to all, I have been on here for a awhile reading, now it is time to introduce my self, My name is Dwight Hobbs jr I live outside of Colorado Springs with my wife and four kids, the good news is I own six mopars 2000 mini van, 91 p/u, 95 neon, 85 fury, 73 Satellite and a 70 duster. Now for the bad news I also own four Camaros,a 68 buick GS,a 64 Olds F85 Cutlass. :-D
I have my Duster up north at overkill race cars getting a 25.5 cage done right now so I will start a thread on that build soon.
Thanks for your time hope to talk with some new friends soon. Dwight.