What's the WORST car/truck you've owned?

Mine was an '85 S-10 I bought in college to rest the Dart from the 170 mile drive back and forth to school. It was a standard cab long wheelbase with a 2.8 wheezebox and a bent frame. It looked good when I bought it, but it tracked like a sleepy hound dog, smoked like a chimney and took 2 acres to turn right. I think it had at least 1 collapsed ring because it eventually started smoking so bad, I stuck a garden hose in the valve cover vent and ran it back to the rear bumper just so I could see. Every time I put my arm up on the back of the seat, I thought I was going to break the rear window. I tried to swap in some bucket seats from an Escort, but they were too BIG! Man that thing sucked, it was cramped, it ran like crap, but at least it was ugly. I sold it to a guy who wanted the frame for a kit car, he said he didn't care if it was bent. I think I sold the whole truck to him for $150.

This post made me laugh, thanks.

Mine was my wife's 88 Chrysler Conquest. It was great the first two years, then it owned me.
It dictated to me, what I was going to do with my time, and when.
I couldn't afford to let some tech learn on my $$, so I had to become an expert.
It had that turbo crammed under there with no room for the heat to escape. The cooling system had 3 electric fans, 5 relays and 3 sensors if I remember correctly.
First time I took it on the road, I got about 80 miles and blew a head gasket. The two puller fans had quit, and they wanted $450 for them. So I took them apart and fixed them. Every electrical system on it, was outdated by 15 years prior to it's production, and I think they all failed at least once in our 3 years of being owned by it.
I swear, Mitsubishi used some left over Japanese zero parts on it, just to get even with us.
But it looked great, it was red, and it was fun as heck to drive when it ran right.