Seat belt laws?

Wow, I didn't mean to start anything. I always wear my seat belt for my own safty... I don't think it should be required if you're over 18 (minors, yes). I mean after all 18yrs and older and it's your choice to be willing to go to war, fight for your (our) country and possibly die.... but darn it, you have to wear your seat belt. That doesn't sit right with me. My '56 is just my way of using one of our freedoms that for the most part have been taken away from us. I Realy want to put a 440 and 5spd in it, and at that time seat belts will be my requirement in the car. I'm all for safty, just not for some one else telling me how I have to do it. I am real carfull in the car to.... there's alot of dumb people on the road. :)