The perfect electric fan?

Well, it worked great until it broke...LOL.

The fan was from a wrecked Benz, and it looked OK, but there was a hairline crack in one of the blades that we missed. It snapped while at speed (oops). It didn't hurt anything but it a lot of noise. We put another blade on it (the blade assembly bolts to the motor) and was good to go.

I tested it on a 95 degree day, and sitting in my driveway the fan cycled on/off as it should, no problem over a 10-15 minute period.

The issue I did run in to was the current draw. Our factory type alternators only make 10-15 amps at idle. When the fan kicks on it discharged my battery. So, to fix that I put on a Powermaster 1-wire unit, which I was kind of wanting to do anyway. It charges 80 amps at idle, so all is well now.

My only concern is, according to the MB tech, these units burn out the control module. I really don't want to be 30-40 miles from the house and lose my fan. Benz made a newer version that is almost identical, but with no module, It requires an external power relay, where this one does not, but everything else is the same. I know two guys that have them, both on big blocks, and haven't had any issues at all. So, I'll be keeping my eye out for one of those.

I still have my mechanical fan, just need a shroud, so that is my standby.