Duster turn signal quirks....help?

Well..... It was just bugging me too damn bad so I had to go out in the garage and tinker with it lol.

I sat and thought about it for a minute and decided I would pop the grille out real quick to check the bulbs and connections and all that good stuff.

as soon as I popped the grill out I seen this.....

In case you cant tell.....its a male ground prong.

so I figured.....hey its worth a shot, so I ran a ground wire directly from that prong to a ground on the body.

.......and guess what.....all worked as it should on that side......so then I decide to make a series of wires connecting both marker lights to a common ground on the body.....and everything worked exactly as it should.

so then I got to thinking....(well how in the hell did it work to begin with?????) (your guess is as good as mine LOL).....I tried unhooking this connector...

and plugging just one half (power half) into the turn signal connector and then running my own ground wire to the opposing terminal and everything worked just as it should OTHER THAN when I used the turn signal ...the marker light did not flash..... so my question is..... on the harness.... is one wire power for light and the other wire a higher voltage (flash) wire....that sends out a higher voltage to cause the flash? and the light is grounded from a different source other than these two wires? because I was under the impression one wire is ground and the other was power....and when I put my multimeter to the one terminal I thought was ground and touched it to the body it showed it as a ground.

maybe I am not grasping the concept of something here lol.

ANYHOW....since the grille was from a 69 valiant it had the pronged ground set up and that prong ground is isolated to just the bulb (does not connect to the grille anywhere to make ground with the body ) (which is why I am baffeled at how it worked in the first place at all)...... so I made up some ground wires and put female connectors on one end of each wire and I put eyelets on the other ends of each wire.....pluged them in and bolted the other ends down to body grounds.... and this is the end result.....

all works good and as it should.....which makes me happy but I would still like to know how it worked before and what everyones thoughts are on it.
