Beefing up a 727 trans!

Well thanks guys. Ramcharger... any idea how much all together the parts would be for your application you told me about. My feet and ankles arent worth a crap in my opinion since I have flat feet that give me more back problems then a horse dacing on my back would. But my car is so I will go with the aluminum one you mentioned due to lighter and hopefully as strong. Lighter is the name of the game on my project... just wait until i get pics of the finished interior and you will see what I mean. By the way you mentioned Kevlar bands... what if I was to drive it on the street lets say 10 times a year or so... would that be a really bad idea or ok or what bands would be the best for a lil street driving but mainly strip? Thanks everyone been a huge help!

P.S. Would the same go for a late 60s 727 (small block one)?