Musicians on the Board

I have been in the same band since 1989, and since 1995 with our current lineup. We have played all different styles of music through the years, but now focus on mostly a bluegrass style covering anything from straight bluegrass to rock covers in the bluegrass style. We did a lot of irish music when the Riverdance craze was big, and the O Brother Where Art Thou gave a big kick to the current interest in bluegrass and old time folk. I currently play standup bass, but also play guitar, banjo, accordian, mandolin and I can play drums but it has been a while since I have had a set. My band's name is Company of Strangers and we can be found at or on facebook at companyofstrangersmusic. We have been averaging 3 performances a week lately which is a nice supplement to my current day job, but that every wednesday night gig has been a killer on my thursday mornings!!! Good to see so many musicians on FABO!!! Pick on all, Geof