Engine Swap Questions


I am working hard at my own BB project car. It is a 74 Dart Sport and It has the whole Schumacher kit in the car with a 440. I have a normal kickdown set up etc.

The car is together with a 440 and I am swapping in another 440. At this point the car is complete and running so it isn't a first time swap.

Would you remove the engine and transmission together, or would you remove just the engine?

My working conditions are not great but I have what I need to remove it.

I will say that the kit was so neat that I was able to put the engine in the first time with a one (1) armed freshmen, an 8th grader and myself.

It literally fell in there.

My working conditions have changed and are not as nice now that summer is here. Would you pull both of them? Or would you leave the tranny in it?


Thank you, ROB
