Need to transport a car.

I'm 1.5 hours from Lewistown and would love to take a ride to Bristol and get $600 on the other end..but..I just took my car trailer in on Monday to have it blasted, painted and rewired. They said it would take about three weeks. If your still looking tomorrow I can call them and see if they started on it yet or we can look into a U-Haul trailer rental one way. It takes about 8 hours from home here to Roanoke, I may be able to talk the wife into going for a ride next weekend.
Barring that you can try Summit Transportation, you can find them at that's not correct Google it and you'll find it or I can get you a number tomorrow at work. Their office is in the next town closer to Lewistown which puts them about an hour out. The guys name is Kurt, tell him Dave at Ace Signs sent you. Good luck and let us know how you make out.
