Project Riddler's Ride - 1976 Plymouth Duster

Here's the next installment of Evapo-Rust K frame bolts.

This is what they look like after 48 hours. You can see the rust has just fallen off of these bolt!

Here's what's left after the bolts are removed. The product is still good until it's black and you can't see through it. So cover it up and use it again and again!

Here's the bolts after being wiped off and drying on a rag.

Yes these are pretty much new bolts once again. It doesn't remove the pitting but it does remove the rust.

Now the final stage, a quick gloss black coat of Rustoleum. Reconditioned bols ready for use!

My plan is to use this product and clean every bolt I'll have to reuse. There are some I can buy to replace what I have but alot are no longer available and are hard to find.
