WARNING !!!! on purchases.

Way to go small block......

I have had great luck selling and buying here on FABO , just ask around!!! and I have 100% feedback on ebay ...names DusterDude72

its become all to often lately of these people getting screwed and taking advantage of others....and its not just young people ,it people of all ages..... people who have fell on hard times or for whatever other reasons...or people who have no problem with screwing someone.

I really do not think that these events should GOVERN the freedom we have here on FABO but I do think some kind of system should be developed to expose those who have done wrong or to remove them from the site with a "2 strikes your out" system or something like that.

I guess the smartest thing to do would be to only buy and sell with those you personally know or talk to on here on a regular basis or those who have been on the site for some time and those who have high post counts and have a good rep and are recognized members of the FABO community .

Maybe each members profile should be equipped with a "Good guy/Bad guy meter" ....for each time the break a rule here on FABO or slip up and say or do some bad things here on fabo or they screw someone out of a part or take a month and a half to ship an item or something....the mods can hear both sides to the story of whatever the situation and they can choose to click on the bad guy meter (which could drop by lets say 20% with each click....which would give everyone 5 chances and by the time they reach 0% they are banned) after 90 days pass since your last bad guy % drop you regain your 20% back towards being a 100% good guy here on fabo.

and lets say a violation such as someone screw someone over on a part they only get two chances here on FABO and the mods have an option to drop there good guy rating down to 50% tipping the bad guy scale.....and for something such as this it would require 1 hole year before your 50% bad guy would be restored to 100% good guy status....

just an idea (if you guys understand what the heck it is I am even talking about lol) EVEN I AM CONFUSED LOL.