Seems a little slow...

It all sounds pretty good except one thing caught my eye. 1 5/8" primary tubes. Those are not for racing. Those are street headers. Period. you put a 1 7/8" primary tube on that thing and it'll pick up.'s really not runnin bad like it is. If it was me, I'd be happy with it. IF I wanted to look to speed it up, the headers would be the first place I would look. Just remember when you get into doing this, do your changes one at a time. Because if throw more than one change at it and it goes the other way, it'll be tougher to figure out. Lastly, to get the most out of big tubes, you'll likely need to do some super tunin on it. Maybe jet the carb up and perhaps play with the timing as all these things are connected. Oh yeah....and go back to the Victor.