Engine Swap Questions

I have been logging about 5-6 hours a day on it since my first post. After looking at it I just went ahead and pulled the engine alone. It went pretty well actually.

My car has a column shift 727, Schumacher headers, and a torque strap. It was a busy time, but I think it probably took me 3-4 hours working casually to remove it. It really was not that hard somewhat but tedious at times.

When I swapped it in, It took a month of a little time here and there with my students doing much of the work under my supervision.

I have spent the last day or so cleaning parts and swapping them from one engine to the other. I am going for a clean driver look. Not scrubbing and detailing each bracket for two hours, but not nasty work either. Keep in mind that I drive 4 miles a day down a road that has spots of dust 6-10"deep. You can avoid them, but you cannot avoid a dirty car no matter how slow you drive. It will look good, but it needs to be useable.

More information tomorrow. Barring unforseen circumstances, it will go in to the car tomorrow.

Thank you all for the help.

And Bremereric, I have read your story here. Wow, somewhat painful to watch at times, but it is quite the car you have there.

More to come.

Thanks it's Eric to my friends and anything else that someone else wants to call me...I have thick aligator skin...