WARNING !!!! on purchases.

Hmm... where do I start ?
True it is sad that there are so many people of lately taking advantage of others. The rule of thumb I always use is: Know who you are dealing with, and keep good communication. If you are seriously buying anything over 100 bucks then get in contact with the customer/seller VERBALLY... exchange phone numbers and dont just rely on the net. Do your research and investigating on the site. Has the seller/buyer been around? I for one dont think that Joey's site needs to try to back up transactions. The site is only a vehicle for you to place a ad. The site has no liability. Its all on you. Thats the way it should be. If people keep pestering to change this and change that I can almost guarantee the Classifieds will just go away... and that will be the end of that. Take initiative and do the homework. Pay with confidence and know the transaction will be smooth. Be smart. Anyone who says they are on hard luck and cannot ship the parts (after money is recieved) is a crook in my book. Since shipping is 99% of the time part of the payment ! You cant take the shipping money and blow it and then say.. oh... I cant ship the parts I am broke. Again people.... know who your dealing with. I have worked long and hard at earning a reputation on here by doing things the right way. Will I ever get burned ? Maybe. Will you ever get burned ? NEVER. While I have been a long time hater of Paypal I took it back on and use it for recieving funds. Its easier. However, if you are making a large transaction get a postal money order... and make sure there is insurance on the parts. Be in contact with your buyer/seller. If it goes zonko you have some paperwork to stand on.

As far as the feedback on or profiles... its a good thing, but people have to use it ! I dont think a lot of people even know how to find it.

Or.... check my signature on another way of getting your feedback out to people that want to know.