WTF is This?!?

That is Oscar!! I guess he left Oklahoma when my daughter was here from Colorado because he was damn tired of 105 to 108 degree temperatures. He had to find another FABO member and when he was on my shoulder while I was posting on your post he must have picked YOU.

Well if it's someones pet, they're welcome to come get it. :-D

I don't know what it is, but if it just ran off instead of dying when sprayed with carb cleaner, sell the house.

It was in the garage thank God. I don't know if it ran off to die or is plotting revenge.

Truthfully it looks like a Taranchula.

It does. Very odd to see one so far north but we've had a cricket explosion with all the wet weather. Now I feel bad. Maybe I should've caught him and fed him crickets. :read2: He was coming right for me and froze when I turned to look at him.