Stuff stolen from your car

When I was going to college in the late 70's, someone stole the rear speakers from my car. They were the kind that were in the black plastic housings tht you put up on the rear shelf. Didnt have them bolted in, so they were easy targets.

About 8 years ago, I took an old 68 Road Runner project down to Carlisle to sell. Left it overnight. It didnt sell, and when I got it back home, I noticed that the plate that covers the thumbwheel radio was broken. I dont know if someone actually switched plates, or if they broke the plate while trying to steal the radio, and then got scared off. As I got to thinking about it, I remember a bunch of deadbeats across from me watching me when I came in, and realized it was probably them.

Two years ago, I was trying to sell off some extra parts at the "Parts-A-Rama" swapmeet at the Butler, PA fairgrounds. I was by myself, and when it was time to pack up, I left my stuff unattended for about five minutes while I went to get my truck. During that time, someone stole a primered 73 Cuda rally hood from me. I probably should have asked my neighbors to keep an eye on my stuff, but didnt do so. They also were a bunch of deadbeat, Gypsy types, so it was probably them anyways. The hood was probably the most valuable thing I had with me, so they knew what to take. BTW, I reported it to the management at the "PArts-A-Rama", and made several calls to them. They always said someone will get back to me, but no one ever did, so I will never sell anything there again because they are only interested in the upfront money, and could care less about what happens to the vendors.