For those of you that hate kids, this should put a smile on your face.

Thank you for the head's up 8)8)
That is how it start's and that young boy has it going on :cheers:
All most children need's is a door to be opened to them at a young age.
I was a good drummer back in the day but that young YOUNG lad has it down pat , Music will always be in his life :happy10: and most likely be playing the bass next and moving to the key board and guitar Wylde1 :cheers:
I missed this thread, I love children 8) I remember my friends asking where are your kids mike, I would say Quote = HAY I have children not goat's :bootysha: :toothy10: Kid is a baby goat :toothy10:
Things like that happen when you are a proud father of two boys 8)

Ha, thought of it that way.

One thing that pisses me off is when people that I know refer to my biological kids as my "real kids" and I ask them, "Well, what are my adopted kids, my fake kids?"
They get pretty embarassed especially when they say that in front of my adpoted kids.