FABO representing on Grand.

Well I have my work cut out for me before I go to cruise night...

Next year.

Every Friday in Garden Grove there's a car show. Not bad to try out once or twice. I live in Fullerton and get down there once a month. We take the family and go to Azteca with the Elvis Bar. I am not a huge fan of Elvis, but it's worth seeing once and if you like cars. There is more Elvis paraphernalia then anywhere except Graceland. Crazy

Hey, be careful of their garlic tacos, even my dog wouldn't go anywhere near me! I would be willing to take a cruise down to one of the nights in September, it was on my list to do. I hope to hook up with you guys. Do you think it would be okay to bring my Superbee since all 3 of my a-bodies are not running?