Harassed on the way to the nats?

North Georgia cops are cool.

They pull you over just to talk guns up here LOL.

For the most part up here they have so many problems with (under construction) subdivisions getting robbed by illegals that they are pretty much just driving from one call to the next instead of sitting on the side of the highway waiting for pretty cars.

Now state cops for the most part own the highway and everyone is taking the chance of getting their ticket punched by the cops.

How many time have you heard..."Did you see how fast those other cars were going that passed me when you pulled me over?"

I suggest riding along with the cops a few nights just to see the crap they gotta put up with.

Cops up here love muscle cars and usually leave you alone unless you get out of control and do something blatantly stupid.

I was merging onto the highway the other day and a subaru WRX was doing his best to keep up right next to me and squeeze me out of my lane as two lanes merged into one so I sped up and took the lane and noticed a cop was three cars behind.

I obviously had to speed up to get away from Mr "I got something to prove" in the Subaru- but the cop went passed and gave a thumbs up.