Harassed on the way to the nats?

Sorry there are so many cynics out there who are ready to believe all police officers, or should I say, 99%, are bad, despite weak evidence to support this theory.
I am Third Generation Law Enforcement in my family, and I was raised that Law Enforcement is a Calling, not just a job to put food on the table and pay the bills.
All I can say is as a former Trooper, I can tell you that I (and my fellow Troopers) would not have handled the incident the way the SLO Deputies did. Any evidence gathered from the search of the locked cabinet should have been suppressed, and the only charge that should have been filed was the reckless discharge of a firearm. The guy (Hart) never resisted, and unless they recovered the automatic weapon from outside the trailer he never should have been charged with possession of an illegal firearm, from what I could see on the video, IMHO.