Harassed on the way to the nats?

LOL, nice one.
No need to be pissy, we're just talking here.
You still didn't answer the question, BTW.
And it's not an attempt at Character Assassination, I'm trying to understand your position. Work with me.

The fact that you would instantly go with the "must have had a run-in with the law" mentality says volumes about your mindset and you have zero interest in what my position is, you were out to slander. I've gone on plenty of ride-alongs and haven't had a ticket in over 10 years. If this attack on this guy can stand, then NONE of us is safe from being the "unlucky" lottery winner of having the County SS goons show up on our property and trample our rights, and in most cases shoot the family dog. There are never, ever, any repercussions for these jack booted thugs and if there were any justice in this world, then these goons would be spending the next 3-5 years trying not to drop the soap on the floor. Only then will the next guy stop, rub his two brain cells together, and say, gee maybe I shouldn't crap all over the constitution here.


Just some of the "isolated" incidents that happen every day, everywhere.