Would any of you guys be interested in...?

My employer, Dave Layson, does indeed know about this and I have talked at length with him about it. Obviously, the parts are coming from Layson's with their full knowledge and approval, so conflict of interest is a non-issue.

My angle on the situation is this....I realize there are a lot of people who choose not to do business with Layson's for whatever reason, and that's all good and fine as I can understand other people's point of views. However, I also understand there are certain parts that are only available from him because he is the source and I realize there are a lot of folks who would like to buy these parts. So....I think there is a potential to market these parts, and I find myself in a unique position to do so.

As to the question of employee discounts on my part, my status as an employee of Layson's will be of no bearing on this situation. He will be treating me as he would any other reseller. But please keep in mind, I will be making some money doing this or it wouldn't be worth my time and effort to do, but also keep in mind that I don't have issues with overhead like other resellers do which would be factored into their final pricing. This fact is why I should be able to offer good deals to people. The single biggest influence on my final pricing is going to be volume. The more I can sell, the cheaper the prices. That's just plain old fashioned economics there......