Carb Blues, Gonna Let It Go

Well, after nearly 5 years of enjoying my '65 Valiant, I believe the relationship has come to an end. My carb went out on me last month (Holley). I subsequently put on a rebuilt Carter. I couldn't get it to idle and wondered if it was just a poor rebuild. I took it back to the store and exchanged it for another one. This one seemed to be fine. It worked for about a week until a few days ago when it went out on me and left me stranded. I got the car towed home and commenced to try yet another carb, this time another Holley. It wouldn't work either. My brother, who is a mechanic, took a look at it and said with rebuilt carbs, especially the way they are sometimes shipped and turned all around and dropped, etc., the floats can get messed up. He said a person has to sometimes go through 3 or 4 just to find one that works right.

Siggggghhhhhhh. I've been missing a lot of work from my part-time job because of this car and have just about run out of patience. The guy who towed it home owns a shop and has several newer cars he's willing to trade for the Valiant, such as a '96 Civic. Yeah, I know, a Civic and a Valiant are wolds apart. But I think I might have to take him up on the offer. I just don't have the car know-how to keep messing with this thing.

I realize I'm not posting a question to the forum. I simply needed to let off a little frustration.