Carb Blues, Gonna Let It Go

You know what I'm going to say before I even type it...don't do it! I would fix what I have before I would trade it for a honda. I put myself in your shoes and would really not want to get rid of the Valiant. I have for years got on the internet and find out as much as possible about things that make my car's motor run, drive, interior, exterior,etc. It sounds like you need to get a new carb altogether or find some info about tuning the rebuilt carb. New carbs need to be tuned to your motor like idle mixture. They are most of the time set up enough to get car running but needs to be fine tuned to the motor. It is the carb since it won't run like it used to. Just take sometime and read up on tuning carbs and go at it. Now you can later on by you something that will be more dependable to back and forth to work. I have a 67 Barracuda and I have a 03 Dodge Ram. Most of the time these old cars are going to have problems because they were built in 60s and 70s so it is like the saying goes "What is it this time?" I guess you understand what I'm talking about. The car I have is a hobby not my daily driver and we all need something that is dependable to get us there when we need it.