Mr. Mantis.....

A very cool bug to say the least :happy10: I like watching them look at me and twist there head around to get a look 8) get a thread and and watch those lightning fast arms reach out and grab it, That mantis will stay close by and not bother a thing :happy10: OK, I did not have toy's when I was a boy :happy10: Your new Camera is working out great looks like :cheers:

Sunday morning I walked in the garage and and there it was hanging out on the compressor tank. Like you say Mike, it would twist it's head around and just watch me. I'm still getting used to the camera. The head of the mantis is a little blurry but the body came out fine. It's got too many dang adjustments, lol.

She....should take care of that fricken gross lookin spider in your garage...u runnin a zoo or what?

Aloha Mike

Yeah, I should have said "she" but I thought Mr. Mantis sounded better than Ms. Mantis. :) BTW, I think that spider would win that battle. :read2: It's been unusually hot and humid here this summer and the wildlife is getting out of control, lol. I've seen a bunch of bugs that normally I just don't see here in the dry southwest.

Mikes right. And they kill nuisance bugs. Them and venus flytraps were my favorites as a kid.

Yeah, I figured I'd let it live. It's pretty cool looking and hung out all day while I cleaned and organized the garage.

I have heard that after mating, the female kills the male.

Wouldn't be worth it to me.

Maybe she's super hot in bug terms? :read2: