383 knowledge anyone?

If the lifter "wears down" you have a huge problem. The profile of a solid roller is more aggressive than a hydraulic roller. That's because if the hyd lifter was run with ramp speeds that high, the hyd part of the lifter will collapse. IMO, either run a solid flat tappet, or a solid roller. Schubecks can be had for either one. What wears out are the vale springs. But by keeping the cam size down a little and running a head that makes it's best flow lower than .600 lift (which means valve lift under .650 or so and duration @ .050 under 300°ish) you can get some longevity from the springs. The lifters should survive in any case.
For oiling, The easy way is a single external swinging pickup, Milodon pump, and good drain back with a crank scraper as opposed to windage tray. That eliminates the need to "watch out" for the internal oil pickup passage. Also, the lifter bores should be bushed. Both for oil control and safety should a spring, rocker or pushrod fail and a lifter pop out.