Free grunt: Manitoba

Pretty straight forward here, I want to learn how to do mechanical work. I'm 21 and live in Winnipeg. My Dad was never really into fixing cars he prefers to just drive them especially since, as an entrepreneur, free time isn't something he has a lot of, and I personally have no place to fiddle around on a project therefore self-teaching hasn't been much of an option.

SO, if there's anyone in Winnipeg who wants/needs an extra set of hands for free, during evenings/weekends, I'm more than happy to join just for the learning experience. It'll help if it's someone patient, because my hands-on experience is limited to simple tuneups, easy maintenance and the like. Hell I'd even "intern" for a shop, if you do work on weekends. Thanks guys!

BRAVO! Man, I wish you were in Pittsburgh! Isn't this something.... a young man willing to work and Good for you, I hope someone will take you up on your offer.....