4 speed at the track - tips?

Pre-stage and wait? Oh. hell no. Stage and throw the other guy off his game.

I hope your kidding...

pull that BS up here and you would get booted, once ok, but continuous and it is bye bye buddy!

Now on to the 4 speed fun.

1. When you are finally staged and the yellows start coming down it is advisable to "wind up" your drive train so you don't hit it all of a sudden, you will find the weak link really quick otherwise. Like stated before start out launching at low RPM's and adjust from there.

2. From my own experience...

Whether you are going to granny shift or power shift, I would recommend changing your shift forks from brass to steel, otherwise you will probably bend the 1-2 shift fork when you pull 2nd gear. Very small price to pay to make sure that you are able to shift.

Have fun!!