Stuff stolen from your car

Lots of years ago, had a friend staying with me. He'd just lost everything in a bankruptcy except his '68 Dart GTS. Car was non running at the time, but I let him keep it at the car club shop outdoors . Somebody stole the hood, carb and air cleaner. Brought the car to my house to stop any further loss and sure enough, a fellow showed up wanting to buy the car. Turns out he worked at a body shop next door to the car club. Suspicious, yes, but my buddy sold him the car anyways. Next week, the car was stripped for paint, primered and the new owner had already found a replacement GTS hood. Unknown to him, my buddy was familiar with some old damage to his hood and sure enough, the same damage was present on the stripped hood. Lawsuit followed and my buddy did not get the car back, but managed to sue his a$$ off for the damages and press theft charges. Painful way to sell the car, but at least there was some satisfaction.

Another story about people trying to steal your dog. My shepard is not purebred, but she sure fools a lot of people. When she was about a year old, the neighbor caught some woman trying to get my dog into her car. Hot August day and the woman was all bundled up in a fur coat. Her story was she saw the dog running loose and was only trying to save it. Yeah, right. This is happening right in front of my house, (rural area, nobody chains up the dog). Neighbor pointed to my house and said the dog lived there. Woman left in a hurry and unfortunately, we did not get a license number. Dog thefts were quite a problem at the time with people stealing dogs for breeding and for research. Sick bastards, hope the karma catches up with them.