What does anyone think of these intakes?

I've used one. Once. Unless I get one for free, I won't bother with them again. The problems I found were a more brittle and inconsistent aluminum (installing the pressed in plugs for the unused holes resulted in cracks), poorly threaded holes (as in not threaded deep enough), poor alignment of the bolt holes, and what really killed it was the porosity that led to a coolant leak out the back of the intake... Above the sealant. This was a customer's engine. Following the installation which took longer because of the above issues, it was run and performed decently. It was removed and replaced witha real Air Gap which resulted in jetting the carb up 3 sizes and it feeling stronger. It is not a copy, and it is not as powerful, and it doesnt fit very well compared to most other available choices, and it may still mix fluids or leak. It isn't worth it to me again. I do know others here that had happier results.