What does anyone think of these intakes?

We are told it's supply and demand.Basically theres way more demand for the chevie stuff and theres way more parts available to. I look at it like I am being forced to pay more for mopar parts to help subsidise the chevies cheap prices.

A basic law of finance applies, but it's not Supply vs. Demand. It's "the selling price is the highest price that a market will bear." We Mopar enthusiasts have no problem paying higher prices for our parts, so higher prices will be charged. When I say "we Mopar enthusiasts," I'm including the Barrett Jackson B and E body set, as well. Don't believe me? Consider that parts actually INCREASING in price. I have a nine year old Year One catalog, and it's disturbing. Companies will charge the highest price the market will bear. And with "Muscle" cars (particularly B and E bodies) increasing in value so rapidly, it has become somewhat of a rich mans game. I wouldn't say as A Body owners we are subsidizing the cheap Chevy parts prices. I think we are falling victim to what the B and E set has done to the market (considering we share much drivetrain componentry).

Note that I'm in no way down on the B and E phenomenon. I think it's great, and ultimately has increased the value of our humble A's. Of course I'm not a hot rodder, but a preserver, so my viewpoint does not include use of aftermarket performance components.

In summation, the burden of responsibility is on US. Every time we pull out the wallet, and pay for the overpriced intake, or header, we are validating the high price point. The manufacturer / distributor / retailer doesn't care that we grumble about doing so. It's just business.