Here we go again, WHAT SPARK PLUGS

you said it a resistor plug stalls and lengthens the spark time yes the 5000 mili secs isnt much but enough to slow the spark down on any engine you should do some research your self most racers use this plug so go figure. Its pretty simple any resistance in a ignition circuit effects spark plug performance by slowing down the spark. What you want is a shorter/faster spark in the combustion chamber its better it burns fuel more efficiently which increases engine performance and thats what a non resistor plug does its a fact jack dont believe me go spend 13 bucks on a set of champions or NGK BP5ES then tell me im wrong........Resistivity is a measure of the material's ability to oppose electric current. enough said

you had to log out and ask someone, but at least you looked into it and finally answered back.


BUT again...what does a capacitive discharge ignition do?
Longer spark duration along with more energy.

you don't make sense, because 'I' don't believe it is you talking.

'I' think you are parroting someone else.

I only ask these things because I want people to know WHY it is they do what they do.