Stuff stolen from your car

Many years ago I was sharing garage space with a man & his son who were racing a Barracuda on the local dirt track. I was having a lot of trouble with his son "borrowing" things of mine, never to be seen again. One day I went to the garage & found that his son had (for no reason) moved my hood that I had stood very carefully on cardboard to protect the corners & had apparently dropped it because one of the corners was now VERY bent. This was after I had paid a body man to work the hood and I had attached a scoop to it. Then I noticed that my starter wasn't where I had left it & another was there instead. I crawled under their race car & found my starter fastened up to the bellhousing. I got pissed. I grabbed a hammer & hit one of the front fenders of the race car 3 times. The damage was hardly noticable but it calmed me down a little. I then did a quick bench test on the starter they had left laying with my stuff & found that it didn't work. I unbolted my starter from the race car, replaced it with their inoperable starter, being sure to hook up all of the wires. I hope they didn't notice the switch until race night. I found another garage & moved as soon as possible, giving them no notice. I spoke to the father one time after that. He didn't mention the starter but he did ask me about another months rent because of my not giving any notice. I told him that I owed him something. I was thinking more along the lines of payback for all of the crap his kid stole from me. After that I never saw either of them again.