hello. newbie.

Heya Johnny-
yeah the surf was def. up down here..."all time cliffs" was heard from crusty old guy as i was watching it...i dunno about "all time", but looked fun...
i unf. was on kid duty with wife's b-day weekend....ugh...she had a good one, and waves will be back soon....like tomorrow??

how do you travel with your boards? racks or? was thinking in the long run wanting to "hang ten" it maybe...(*fold down back seats...i think 74??) but until then i am Aloha racks bound....and heck rust needs needs new places to expand...hehe

well, Rincon....mmmm, man that is some GOOD waves...little chilly tho, eh? still in the low 60's here...3/2 still works...but might need my hood b/c of my sissy ear issues....but i digress....

back to work for blind...

P.S. Blacks was HUGE!! 20 foot faces was common....a bit much for this sloth.