My Duster is a nuisance...

I live on a cul de sac and there is an old hag about 5 houses up the road from me that everytime I cruise up the street she starts bitching about blah, blah, blah.... Funny thing is, her neighbor is a Sheriff's Deputy and his cruiser is always parked in his driveway. I make it a point to go really slow by her house and rev up my car and blare my stereo and she has a fit. it is FUNNY!!!!!! She reminde me of the old lady on the old Borox containers, with the rake handle in her hands flailing her arms and mouthing off. The cop who lives next to her has even told me he likes my car and not ot worry about the old sea hag. I agree with the other posters here on this one. Drive your car all you want and screw the *** napkin in your neighborhood.