My Duster is a nuisance...

i got wind that a neighbor complained to another neighbor about my duster bein too loud, to try and get the other neighbor to tell me to quiet it down. they are both retired, probably mid 60's, but the one that told me about it said "hell i like it. i think she needs to be a little louder. you woke me up one night, but i like gettin woken up by that. so i just smiled and went back to bed." Hes a cool neighbor. hes got a group called "the over the hill gang" and they all ride scooters (like 12 of em), but thats another story.:toothy10:

i usually just idle down the street in 2nd. the complaint came from the same neighbor whos dog will bark and bark for hours on end starting at 6am. and its a high pitched yelp type i decided the day i take it to my dads shop to pull it apart this fall, im gonna pull off the exhaust at my house and drive over to dads w/ open headers just to make sure he knows how loud it could really be.:snakeman:

maybe not the "mature" thing to do...but it will sure be more fun that way.