Going through divorce, please help me, any idea of value?

sell it to someone you can trust for like a dollar. Then once everything is done, collect it for .75 on a depreciated value.
No that won't work here in WI. People try that all the time, from one Wisconsinite to another, sorry to hear about your situation, and these guys are right, you'll get through this in time, who knows you might even end up as friends, happened to my best friend anyway the lawyers will make you go get an appraisal for your triumph and dart, so it really doesnt matter what anyone thinks your stuff is worth,
>>>>Posted from above yes WI is a state that goes along with this:
"You didn't mention if you've had the car or the wife longer, but some states consider property you owned before the marriage or acquired after separation as "sole and separate property." She may not have any standing to make claim on it if you owned it before you got married."
good luck wish you all the best and thanks for your service to the country.