Know anything about those "Seized Vehicles" auctions?

It's best to check with your local city office to see who sells off their seized and surplus materials, and vehicles. They will usually be teamed up with the local utility companies also, I.E. Electric Company-Phone-Water Dept-and local large construction companies etc. You can pay pennies on the dollar, but generally only when the weather is piss poor. I was sent to one of these auctions to purchase a 5yd dump truck, a pole/line utility truck, and an arrow/directional board. My boss told me to spend no more than $10,000 on the Dump, and no more than $15,000 on the Line Truck, and $2,500 on the board. The weather was let's put it this way the rain didn't fall down, it went sideways. And there was only a little lightning. I was able to pick up everything for $10,500. Needless to say I hit him up for a bonus. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes people pay stupid prices for somthing. Just because they won't be outbid. They give you all the history with the municipal's etc.. At this auction they had a non-running section, they couldn't be driven up to the auction block due to any type of problem. From either the distributor cap missing, to ones that have been hit by trains. I noticed alot of people don't bid on the non-running ones. And sometimes it's so simple of a problem to.