girl throws puppies in river

i'm guessing she will get a slap on the wrist. i dont think anything would of become of it if it didnt become a media problem. north America is probably one of the most humane areas of the world... animal cruelty does still happen here but we are more likely to see the animal as part of the family. working with a few foreigners, i can tell you they dont regard animals the way we do. she could of been doing as she was told. and working on a farm as a teenager i seen some horrible things done to all kinds of animals.

it sickens me hopefully she will get what she deserves (maybe thrown in the river herself.)
i almost threw someone out of my apt for killing a spider, so you could imagine what i'd do to her if i was standing right there next to her! hopefully they will get the message to spay or neuter their pets and not have a repeat situation.