girl throws puppies in river

I've been to that part of the world when I was in the Army.
Those people have a different attitude toward animals. They are chattel, nothing more, nothing less.
As much as you would hate to think it, those pups are probably better off. I've seen dogs killed and eaten in the past. I've seen things that people do that absolutely sickened me.
There were peddlers that would come to where we were and sell fresh meat. I never bought it, I never saw cuts of meat that looked like what they were selling.
While this will upset us, this is no big deal to people in the Baltic's. I would highly suprised if any thing is ever done by the police there. They have bigger fish to fry.

True dat...I did time in Sarajevo while in the USAF and can back this up, totally. It's a totally different mindset over there...