*****help*** /6 missing problems

Update, the mechanics read on the slant six forum that the carbs were garbage and had to be replaced...no fix possible...talk about taking the wind out of the sales and giving them absolution..

The station did check all I could find and did blow out to gas line..I am leaving the two fuel filters on it.

The car seems to perform better..still a bit*h to start and stutters a bit on accelerating fast into a left had corner.

Basically, from what Mark can tell is when the car is accelerating into a left had corner, the acceleration pump is coming on a bit too early and flooding it..if you don't change the throttle position, it will work it self out..maybe wear in the linkages but with only 34k miles on it , I fund that one hard to swallow.

I guess we have to live with this problem until the new lump gets installed.
