Officially Homeless


There is only one person on this forum that I have issues with and he hasn't posted in here. Thankfully we live in a free country, thanks to all that have volunteered to fight for this land that we call home. Do you think any of the people that where drafted became offended because people would volunteer to go live and work in those dangerous situations?


Thanks for your support and seeing that I am trying to do good in the world. I wish there were more people that felt the same way. There is far to much greed in our society and not near enough care.


I have learned several things, not near as much as I had hoped as I got cut short. I agree, most homeless do not have cars, jobs, phones, etc... But like I stated, I couldn't give all that up just because I felt like doing something. I love people in general and help people whenever I can. It gives me a feeling of self accomplishment. There is no high like the high you get after helping those that need it.


Thank you. I really do feel my heart is in the right place and that I can someday be a good example and show myself, my family, and the world that even though I started out as a f**k up. You can make something of yourself. This is something that I really would like to help troubled youth do. I also do agree with you that I can do good by having a good career. I really do look forward to having a family one day and plan to teach my children to love and respect their fellow man no matter what their situation may be. I know that people don't and won't always agree with me and I may have became a little defensive of myself here a time or two, but I truly hope to do good in my life.


I truly do thank you for your input and want you to know that there are no hard feelings from me towards you and hope the same from you. I am sorry that I offended you, but still don't completely understand why it was offensive. I feel that if I was in the same situation as you where and seen someone wanting and willing to help out. I would do what I could to help out myself.

It was never a mockery and I don't see why you took it that way. I honestly think you are reading more into this than there was. I wasn't bashing or making fun of anyone's misfortune. I know you felt this was a bad idea from the start. You didn't feel it was productive. But damn, I feel it was much more productive than a lot of other people that are single and in my age group that go home and sit down in front of their computer to play World of Warcraft. Now that is something that is such a plus to all of us, NOT!!!

I will never know your life story, but I do respect you for what you have done and continue to do to help the homeless in your community. Thank you! I am sure there are some lives that you have touched as well.

I want to add one more thing. I didn't mean that you have to be a crackhead to be homeless, but it was mentioned that allot of the homeless are addicts and I threw that in. Looking back, that shouldn't have been said.

In conclusion, lets let this thread rest. There is no reason to become angry with one another over something like this. Thanks again everyone
