Officially Homeless

Was I talking to you? Did I say I had a problem? Just pointing out you dont have to be a crackhead to be homeless. I was one of the young people on the street. I wasnt a crackhead though.Twenty one when it happened. Just was a man and didnt run to mommy and daddy to hang on their coat tails. Wasnt but a few months but I will never forget it. Him play living on the street helped nobody. I thought this was a poor idea from the start. And it was a little offensive to mock peoples tragedy.If you ever end up there not by choice you will understand.This happened 30 years ago to me. Nowadays i,m an area manager for a plumbing company and doing well. Now WTF is your problem? DD

You were talking to everybody, you very clearly showed you had a problem. So you lived on the street when you were 21 you act like your the only person here that has had a rough beginning. There are alotof people here that couldn't run to mommy and daddy because they didn't have the money or care to help out anyway. You think what he is doing is OFFENSIVE? Yea your right, donating money to homeless shelters and food banks is completely out of line and trying to understand it the best he can with what he has is completely have a nice day