Unwanted cars of the 70's. Post yours!

My parents bought a new 1976 Mercury Monarch 2 door coupe in March '76 .
351 Windsor ; silver with cranberry red interior and a silver landau top .

The paint faded within a couple of years ( 70's 2-stage paint + silver + harsh southwest U.S. climate = disaster ) , but that's only because it was garaged for the most part .

All of the shitty plastic nobs and switches broke .

The transmission was garbage ( C5 ? not sure ... ) .

The final blow was when the steering coupler gave-out . It was discontinued ...
... as early as 1982 !!
Smooth move there , FoMoCo !
A safety item was discontinued !!

Now , I'm NOT anti-Ford by any means , but I AM anti-cheap assed business practises !!

Ostensibly , the 1970's were truly the dark ages .
Energy crises .
Fuel shortages ( TWICE !! ) .
Droughts .
Inflation .
Jerry Brown .
Jimmy Carter .
Emissions standards .

I like that '73 Cutlass in the thread's opening topic !
I've always liked the so-called "Colonade" [sp?] body styles of '73 - '77 . There's a super clean '73 442 in my town .