Going through divorce, please help me, any idea of value?

my Triumph is a 1997 Adventurer Triple- Aubergine/Silver 14k mi

I just want to thank everyone again for the support. It means alot. Things get stupider by the day lately!! i keep saying, 'It's a blessing in disguise' no more getting bitched at for spending the ocasional sunday in the garage working on the Dart. My bad! Bummer I can't (or wont) touch it till things are final. recently that was one of the complaints on why I caused this, the other is that I worked too much and was always tired, Shame on me for bustin my *** so we could live comfortably during the recent economy. anyway, thanks again. I had a buddy at work, who was actually a former Airforce Ammo Troop like myself, and a current mailman like myself, and has a number of muscle cars, too bad he's a chevy guy, hey, no ones perfect. Any way, he suggested I take his daughter out when things get over, She's a nurse and is pretty flippin' hot. Maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel....ha!!