Attn: Computer repair guys

Nothing personal but computer repair stores bread and butter is not investigating laptops or personal computers. Too many times i have been ask to look at a computer, laptop/desk top with the statement that the computer store says bla,bla,bla. As a matter of fact I just received a dell lap top with a "bad mother board and hard drive. I spoke to the computer man in person when I picked it up! Had it up and running in an hour. Added memory, installed windows 7 and updated, added some thank you software ( software that is free and is really cool), call Ann and she was told after I picked it up to go ahead and buy a new one. I called her to give her the good news, before I could finish she told me to just keep it for parts!!! OK I have a 5-6 hundred dollar computer to add to my businesses. Up to 6 now. Anyway.
Ship me your computer, no charge to look. Might upgrade your processor and Bios. Let me know and I will give you me mailing address. I would be more that happy to help you.! Thats' how I roll. Ask memike! (Hey bro.):-D

Recovering all you data and taking it apart and reloading it back to the new mother board or what ever takes time and I think this is why the high charge that tec's get, I will talk to brother and see if we can take care of this in house our other wiz fix you up..
I will see if I can get him to read this thread and see what can happen