383 4 speed+headers

Indeed. That's the stupidest think I ever heard. I don't care whether it offends or not. LOL

Not to belabor the discussion, but over the years many, many guys have lent us cars they have sitting in their side yard with no intentions of restoration in the near term. We usually don't get beautiful cars, we get beaters with OE tunnels and just enough drivetrain to get them in the door. Sometimes they require a flatbed and a push. When it comes to transmission fitment that is all that is required.

What's in it for you, and the rest of the Mopar Nation, is a cleaner and easier to install 5-speed system for your favorite A-body.

If you don't, or won't, let us use your car then that is absolutely your choice. We only need one car owned by one generous owner who understands the value of companies that devote time and resources to R&D product for Mopars.

The rest of you can let us know.